Message from Secretary
The activity of the brainy human with thought and experiments with its power of memory immemorial of acts & deeds and their results getting them time tested ,is traveling towards new horizons leading to become an immortal ,decoding the secrets of life ,advancing the civilization in leaps and bounds, creating the best of provisions and facilities to entire world ,zooming towards unraveling the secrets of the cosmos.
It is all a never ending education and serving the cause of education is the nobiest of all deeds. With a purpose of life in mind, my family has chosen education as a tool to give back something to the society.
In these days of eroding standards , we have taken up technical education by establishing PRIYADARSHINI engineering college in the best environs with magnificent structure and created the best infrastructure for a delightful learning making it a ‘Complete Institution’, moulding the students into the best, versatile, honest engineers and scientists with ‘complete Education’ ,imparting education as it has to be.